Tuesday, March 13, 2012

UNI Life

This entry is long overdue. It should have been written when I first started UNI on Feburary 27th 2012. So here it is now.

So, a new chapter in my life has begun when UNI started. UNI has been pretty hectic yet at the same time, it hasn't been too busy yet for me. But over the coming weeks, it will start to become even more hectic. I haven't met many new friends seeing as I am not that great at making friends but I have met a couple and made friends with them. I must say, I do miss high school quite a lot and UNI atmosphere is definitely different to the atmosphere in high school.

I made a promised with my dad. I told him, I will give the course I'm studying right now a go and see where it leads me, if I see that it is only my interest and that it will lead me to no future or not a good one by the end of this year, then I will change course next year so hopefully I will continue this course next year and no changing is required.

Well, this is what this new chapter in my life is like so far.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Trip down south with friends.

From the 23rd of January to the 27th of January, a bunch of us went down south to chillax where we get away from everyone. It was really fun. A lot of drama happened but in the end, everything turned out smoothly. I would describe it in details to you know, capture the memories but I can't be bothered right now because I'm too tired to do anything else. Just need to know that I had a really, reaLLY, REALLY FUN time down south and wished to do it again sometime in the near/future.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


This year is a brand new start. A new chapter in my life. I wonder what this year is gonna be like? It's definitely going to be scary without the boundary of high school. It seems that my life as a high school student has ended and now I shall start a brand new life. I wonder what this life is going to be about. It's so mysterious that even I can't figure it out. Whatever it is, I'm going to try to make the most of it this year.